I don't mind playing at 4:3 but if I can get a full use of my monitor, then I'm down. The github page lists 16:9 widescreen support as a milestone for version 5.7, so that will be neat.

I just wish music wads would loop properly, but at least you can set up music packs for each game. PrBoom+ is pretty good for accuracy and higher resolutions, but for some reason I find myself firing up CD more despite only supporting inferior resolutions. I gotta say that I've taken quite a liking for Crispy Doom. Too much brown doesn't bother me in Quake, but here it gets a bit old. I really like the level design here despite the occasional death trap, but visually and thematically Plutonia tends to feel a bit samey for me. I think I've already died more than half the times I died in TNT in just the first 10 levels of Plutonia. Started to tackle Plutonia and the jump in difficulty can be jarring, specially for the type of run I'm going. Well, maybe a tad more challenging but not by much. Overall, I like the "chill" approach TNT has going when compared to Plutonia, it feels very similar to Doom II's campaign. Last map took me a few tries too, mostly cause I forgot you are supposed to shoot rockets into The Icon of Sin just below the usual spot you fire them at in Doom II. Once I had a better run and made it there with health to spare I was able to finally beat it. I usually got there kinda low on health most of the tries so I was getting killed there all the time. They are positioned in angles that are really unfavorable for you and there's basically no cover you can take to fully protect yourself. That last room with the archvile, mancubus, 2 revenants and a chaingunner was giving me hell. I was stuck for a few days on Map27: Mount Pain.
#Chocolate hexen version incompatible Pc
sound and music, including OP元 and PC Speaker emulation, as well as OGG music support (untested).supports Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife.It supports the original Doom games, as well as Heretic, Hexen and Strife, and adds some extra features while staying as close to the vanilla game(s) as possible. This is a Vita port of Chocolate Doom, which is a Doom source port.